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Showing posts from December, 2017

Drugged up Maryland

Drugged up Maryland Drug addicts abound everywhere in this corrupt state of Maryland. Opioid addiction is everywhere. Deaths from opioids in Maryland are at record highs. Some hospitals cannot keep up with the flow of addicts through their doors. The corrupt Maryland Board of Physicians allows so-called pain clinics to flourish with the most minor of regulations to control their prescribing methodologies. Now Maryland has Medical Marijuana dispensaries whose licenses were given to those who are politically well connected. Added to the hundreds of thousands of alcoholics in Maryland and the extreme amount of psycho active drugs prescribed here and one can see why there are so many deaths on our streets. The argument that Marijuana is now medicinal is nothing but a bunch of crap. Enter this state at your own risk. More to come.

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting versus Fat Burning Diets

The Fat Zone 21 st Century Dieting versus Fat Burning Diets Complexity of human physiology does not permit fat to be burned over protein and carbohydrates unless the body is under extreme stress. Starvation and high performance exercise are two possibilities which can stress our anatomy to increase lipid metabolism. In the event you were snookered into following a diet which guaranteed fat loss only and or fat loss in excess of carbs/proteins I sadly regret you were taken for the proverbial ride. There are several programs which I reviewed that do not result in their stated intentions of high fat loss in a short time interval. Programs professing weight loss of x amount of pounds over a number of weeks by burning fat preferentially cannot be supported by current studies. Glucose will be utilized by the body initially under most circumstances. Fat loss during a diet, not starvation, comes later. The Fat Zone 21 st Century Dieting utilizes a mix of foods within its menu...

Tax Reform and the Deep Blue

Tax Reform and the Deep Blue Major overhaul of the tax system is a done deal with DT signing it into law. This new legislation portends a brighter future for the economy with trickle down effects to most of us. The question remains will deep blue states allow federal tax reform to work. Here in the corrupt state of Maryland higher government officials are already discussing ways to offset the new tax law. What this means in real terms presently is isolated to the minds of those who exude very little brain power. Nevertheless a backlash response it coming. Be Prepared.

Old Farts Know a Thing or Two about Reality

Old Farts Know a Thing or Two about Reality As information comes forward on the proposed tax legislation more people are seeing less for themselves come February and or April 15th. Believing that jobs will pour into this country from this law is a diversion to prop up corporate structures, enhanced the wealthy population and entitle more who pay nothing. As usual the middle class (the bulk of us) will be given crumbs while the latter two groups move up the food chain another notch. I am glad Trump is the President. Yet I am not blind to reality.

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting takes on the Obesity Crisis

The Fat Zone 21 st Century Dieting takes on the Obesity Crisis In America every other person is overweight or obese. Defining obesity as a disease has not always been the case. In the last several decades more minds in the health care industry have accepted this concept and now recognize why obesity should be a national priority to cure. Heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and many other infirmities can be directly attributed to weight issues. Cute weight loss programs promising the sky but delivering muck will not reduce weight to significant levels needed to control its impact on the body. The Fat Zone 21 st Century Dieting is the key to successful, safe and rapid weight loss. As a companion to the very popular book: The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss its menus have been updated to achieve the results every dieter is seeking. The Fat Zone does not require expensive foods, equipment or trainers. Utilizing its well-researched menus The Fat...

Sexual Harassment 101

The tidal wave of sexual harassment allegations continues. Some over 40 years old. Aging nymphets are coming out of the closet claiming this guy or that guy did something inappropriate with me. Yet she had a sudden memory of the events decades later. When will this bull shit stop? Women are beginning to see repercussions of their endless onslaught of accusations against prominent people. How? There will be much less work in places these women prefer to be. Screening of them will be much tougher. Dress guideline will be enforced. Try flaunting your front or backside and out the door you go. Rules of conduct will be enhanced contractually between both sexes and much more. Three more prominent people received their pink slips recently on mere allegations. Guys that date, peck on the cheek, pat on the back or whatever you may be enticed to do will be thrown in your face in the future if your prominence level rises. Maybe one of you would like to write an e-book on this subject it is ...

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting the Next Generation of Dieting

Quickly becoming the newest standard in dieting. The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting is safe, extremely effective and within everyone's grasp. Sold by Amazon and all major e-book retailers.  Mark Davis MD is an author, journalist and media consultant. for interview requests or enhanced contact concerning this diet. 

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting versus Celebrity Diets

The Fat Zone 21 st Century Dieting versus Celebrity Diets There are an enormous number of celebrity diets on the market. They can be seen in book formats, infomercials and other media presentations. Taking a close look at these programs, some not all, appear neither healthy nor as weight reduction programs. Purporting one can eat pizza, chocolate cake, lasagna and other delectable dishes and lose weight is highly suspicious. Assuming the latter is true the health consequences of such foods, especially in diet mode, have weak foundations. Enter The Fat Zone Diet into the mix. This unique diet utilizes the latest weight reduction techniques in its menus for rapid safe weight reduction. Utilizing The Fat Zone menus is simplistic and once learned can be used on any occasion. Dieters no longer have to worry about eating away from home. The menus allow for variation in food protocols allowing the dieter choices at his or her favorite local restaurant. Diets have two elements. The ...

Davis News and Reviews

Davis News and Reviews is dedicated to telling stories that are politically incorrect, continuously overlooked and or add meaning to our daily existence. In the coming weeks we will expose profound corruption in an east coast state that has no heart, soul or conscience. Please subscribe to our blog. Thanks.