Special Purpose
Examination (SPEX) is an exam forced on physicians who have been out of
practice for a defined period of time. This exam is also given to physicians
when their fund of knowledge comes into question. Boards of Medicine provide
minimal direction in the contents of this exam. The Federation of State Medical
Boards, the creator of the SPEX, does not provide much assistance to help
potential examinees pass this test. Therefore, it is up to the physician to
seek help to prepare for this very unfair exam. Many aspects of this exam’s
contents reflect back to our medical school training decades ago. Books on the
market are generally antiquated or do not represent the exam’s true contents.
With the latter stated this was Dr. Davis’ rationale to create a concise course
to help those confronting this exam to have an improved chance of receiving a
passing grade.
Failing the SPEX test two,
three or more times is common. Physicians contact Dr. Davis frequently to help
them raise their level of awareness to this unfair test’s contents. Though the Federation
of State Boards changes this test’s format frequently, its core contents remain
the same. More than 12 medical subjects are represented with questions that
challenge the examinee’s intellect and memory. Certain styles of questions are
presented which an examinee would never expect to see on this exam. This course
covers areas most important to the test taker and provides an extensive overview
of this exam prior to the examinee sitting for it.
Dr. Mark Davis is
intimately familiar with the Special Purpose Examination having mentored
numerous physicians towards a passing grade. Dr. Davis has accrued his
knowledge of the SPEX by interactions with many who have taken this test and
direct inspection of the exam’s contents. Do not go blind into this exam.
The fee is 199 dollars for
this course, which is approximately 2 hours in length. Scheduling can be done by
contacting the email site: platomd@gmail.com
Thank you. Mark Davis, MD
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