Final Directives: The Legal
Ethical and Moral Journey to Death
has no heart or soul. Its sole purpose is conformity to legislative and
judicial agendas. Step outside of these two realms then the consequences become
toxic and untenable. Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death,
brings the reader into a domain displaying government’s intrusive hand when a
person’s last days are upon him or her. Lacking clear medical directives, during
the most sensitive time in one’s life, overzealous prosecutors and judges
become the final arbiters whether you live or die. Through a multitude of medical
cases this e-book exemplifies why people should detail whether they want to be
kept alive by extraordinary means. One case in the book explains why a grieving
family was forced by a state government to continue extraordinary therapies
though the patient was declared brain dead. This case eventually was ruled upon
in the Supreme Court, surprisingly against the family.
In another case
a person approaching his hundredth year was kept alive after his brain death
was confirmed. Sadly situations, such as the latter case, could have been
averted. This e-book discusses the most current means available to make a
person’s final wishes known. There are forms, protocols and formats accepted by
each state, if utilized, that gives the patient the ultimate authority over his
or her body. There are many excellent lawyers in each state who will help
families with the legalities of end of life issues. Allow Final Directives: The
Legal Ethical and Moral Journal to Death to illuminate a subject too often discussed in
the shadows of society. This interesting and excellent read is written by a physician,
Mark Davis MD who has counseled hundreds of families facing the death of a love
one. Learn how to avoid the emotionally wrenching situations written in this
book. Thank you.
Doctor Mark
Davis writes extensively on health care, science and politics.
To contact
Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death is available on Amazon
and through most other e-book distributors.
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