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Showing posts from June, 2018

Failed SPEX Time for a Special Purpose Exam Tutor

                                  Failed SPEX Time for a Special Purpose Exam Tutor Failing SPEX sadly has become a common event amongst test takers. The Special Purpose Examination was designed to fail. Contrary to the Federation of States Boards’ information sheets SPEX questions are far from standard medical practice. Most clinicians have narrow medical specialties where they would not encounter the information embedded in this extensive exam. Much of the literature on the market for SPEX is antiquated. These books, flashcards and videos have not kept up with this test’s broad contents. Failing SPEX is not only a stigma to the physician the price to take the exam is extremely expensive. In my experience as a SPEX tutor I have accumulated a vast array of information that is reflected in current exams. Few c...


                 SPEX COURSE TUTORIAL CURRENT INDEPTH AND PRECISE State Boards of Physicians are requiring more doctors to take the SPEX (Special Purpose Examination) than ever before. This exam is unfair to practicing physicians and has a failure rate requiring physicians to take the test two, three or more times. According to Federation of State Board literature, that concoct this exam, physicians reading general literature during the course of their practices should have no problem passing. The latter statement is far from the truth and misrepresents the true nature of this exam. SPEX covers more than 12 subjects and touches upon areas of subject matter that many physicians have not seen since their medical school days. Medical Boards generally do not provide guidance or information to help their physicians through this exhausting exam. For those of you who have been picked out of a literal hat ...