SPEX PREP INSTRUCTION MENTORED BY MARK DAVIS MD Special Purpose Examination is a complex test given by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). This exam is designed to fail. Too many of our colleagues sit for this test two, three or more times. Antiquated literature on the market misdirects potential examinees with questions that do not come near the substance on this unfair exam. SPEX is unfair because much of its subject matter is not incurred in daily practice or found in general medical readings as claimed by the FSMB. SPEX mentoring evolved to direct potential test takers towards the proper subject matter to study. Current question content is heavily reviewed enabling the potential examinee to direct his/her studies in a more efficieint matter. Dr. Mark Davis comes in contact with many who have recently taken this test to keep the information he provides current and up to date. Please contact Dr. Davis to schedule time for SPEX test review at platomd@gmail.c...