Robert De Niro from Raging Bull to Ranting Bull Great actors many times exceed their own abilities when they attempt to parse words outside those that were scripted for them. Robert De Niro is such an individual. Undoubtably one of the best actors of our generation has gone off the deep end when projecting his hate for President Trump. In his first rant I heard Mr. De Niro threaten the President with physical violence. His second attempt at condemnation of the Oval Office resident challenged the President on Climate Change. With Mr. De Niro’s limited education and or experience in the sciences he does not supply his rationale for the basis of his views on Climate Change. Yet his own way of life may threaten the climate by leaving an exponentially larger carbon footprint behind than the average person. Huge estates, private planes, limousines and more require much larger expenditures of energy than most “ordinary” people utilize. As a mouth piece for the left Mr. De Niro needs...